Wolfram minecraft 1.13
Wolfram minecraft 1.13

Stripped logs for all types of wood that are created by a woodblock with an axe equipped.Bark blocks for all types of wood, crafted from four logs.Trapdoors, buttons, and pressure plates made from all six types of wood.It can be stacked up to four blocks high, on top of a single block.Turtle eggs can only be picked up with silk touch enchantments.Eventually hatch, and spawn young turtles will crawl to the water.It comes as a plant, block, and fan form.It can be eaten faster than other foods.Created when kelp is smelted in a furnace.Items for smooth quartz, smooth red sandstone, smooth sandstone, and smooth stone.Channeling enchantment lets a player summon lightning.

wolfram minecraft 1.13

Riptide enchantment lets a player lunge forward while using it.Impaler enchantment increases its damage to mobs classified as aquatic.Loyalty enchantment makes it come back to a player.It can be thrown or used in melee combat.Unlike regular undead mobs, it doesn't burn in sunlight or attack villagers.Only spawns via commands or spawn eggs.Undead mob (inverts healing/harming potion effects, takes additional damage from the smite enchant).Attracted to insomniacs (those who haven't slept in 3 Minecraft days).When they mature, sea turtles return to the beach where they hatched.

wolfram minecraft 1.13

They will lay turtle eggs on sand and when they hatch, young sea turtles will crawl into any nearby water blocks.When killed, a pufferfish will drop the pufferfish item, and tropical fish will drop the clownfish item.Pufferfish can poison a player, and puff up to a larger size.Tropical fish have 3072 different colors, patterns, and shapes.Includes cod, salmon, pufferfish, and tropical fish (replaces clownfish).

wolfram minecraft 1.13

  • Like Zombies and Husks, Drowned don't like Turtle Eggs, so they will try to break them at night.
  • Considered undead (inverts healing/harming potion effects, takes additional damage from Smite enchant).
  • Regular zombies can also turn into drowned mobs if they are underwater long enough.
  • Zombie-like mobs that can spawn in underwater areas.
  • This trait is also shared with zombie pigmen, wolves, and other neutral mobs.
  • Their behavior is neutral unless attacked, which triggers all nearby dolphins to turn hostile toward that player.
  • Once fed raw fish, they will lead players to shipwrecks or ocean ruins.

  • Wolfram minecraft 1.13