With this revelation, she is hunted down by mysterious enemies who are seeking that power while trying to control her strength. It turns out that her precious ring is in fact a holder of the power of God, and Karin, as its bearer, is a goddess. A confrontation after Kazune insults Karin's cat and ultimately her feelings invoke something within her and the ring, causing everything to go smoothly for Karin, including weather matters. Things change for better for Karin when she meets Himeka Kujyou and her cousin Kazune, whom she lives with. With poor grades, a mean aunt, and few friends who understand her, she feels lonely and desperately believes that God will help her out of these circumstances one day, holding on to the last remaining memento: a ring that originally belonged to her mother. Karin Hanazono is an ordinary 13-year-old girl who becomes depressed after the death of her parents and her last companion, her pet cat Shii-chan.