There is little to no lag between the time you make the maneuver and the time it really performs. Every action appears to be communicated directly from your fingers to the thoughts of your characters, who respond instantly. Tekken 3’s best feature has to be the speed with which it is played. You’ll have to adjust to the controllers at first, but after a few tries, you’ll be zipping through combos like on a console. Left-hand joysticks and right-hand buttons are the controls on your smartphone’s screen. Veteran gamers who haven’t played Tekken 3 in a long time will be blown away by the game’s fluidity when playing it on an Android smartphone. Selecting players and starting a match is the same as on the PlayStation and has not been changed. The latest version of Takken 3 for Android is also available on the official In page website. Visit Wikipedia if you’re interested in learning more about its history. Those of us who have been playing since the beginning will not be disappointed with Tekken 3 mobile. This is the best fighting game that has ever been released, so take the controller out of your hands and pick it up. If you’re one of the two or three PlayStation owners who has seen, played, or at least heard about Tekken 3, this is your lucky day. You can still download it as an APK file and play it with an external or built-in phone emulator.

Namco, the game’s developer, did not release the mobile app version at first. One of the best arcade games of all time, Tekken 3, is now available on Android. The original and safe Tekken 3 apk file without any mod.